S T A M F O R D  U N I T E D   R E F O R M E D  C H U R C H

S T A R   L A N E     P E 9  1 P H

J U L Y   2 0 2 4


One of the joys of this pastorate is the constant driving up and down the A1 between Stamford and Grantham. The Lord has protected me wonderfully and so far, I have not been held up in a traffic jam more than two or three times. I am not a very good driver as I get easily distracted, whether by the various road-kill animals that litter the carriageway or the actions of other drivers (particularly those that drive BMWs)! I tend to have the radio on, but I get increasingly frustrated by the presenter’s inane drivel that fills the airwaves. To avoid some of this, I listen to Classic FM and it has recently got me to reflect on what music means to me.

Music is definitely not my priority and I admit that I do not understand what value it holds. Music rarely ‘moves me’ and often annoys me, or rather the insincerity of the performance disappoints me. One day a month I prepare the orders of service for the churches and I pour over the hymnbooks to find the right words set to a familiar or easy tune in order to compliment the message of the day. Few hymns evoke memories, but some have become favourites, especially if they combine theology and feeling.

I was giving thought to my funeral the other day and chose the following:

Entry music To God be the Glory

Hymns How great thou art

One more step along the world I go

Exit music Farewell by Rod Stewart from the album Bloody Red Roses.

The reason for the choices is that the service is to be a celebration of life and recognition that the Lord has been a large part of that life. The first hymn was included in my Ordination service and used at each of my following Induction services. The second hymn contains the refrain, “from the old I travel to the new”, reflecting my belief in the eternal life that awaits. So why exit to a Rod Stewart song? Simple, he was the musician of my youth and the soundtrack to my pre-Christian life. His gravel voice, questionable lifestyle choices, and unusual hairstyle (did you know he achieved it by rubbing mayonnaise into his barnet?), may not be to everyone’s taste. I recall making my first presentation in 1971/72 to a fourth form class (currently referred to as year 10, I think) on Rod Stewart’s track Only a Hobo from his Gasoline Alley album. Perhaps I value music more than I realise?

What are your choices? Peter

July Services

All services commence at 10.30am unless otherwise stated.

Notes to Services

Sanctuary Service

There are no Sanctuary Services over the summer months. They will resume in October, and end for good in December. This was announced at the last Church Meeting in June.

Flower Rota

7th July Sue Samuels

14th July Jane Kew

21st July Tony Blow

28th July Anne Thompson

Service information




7 July

Revd Fiona Hogg

Caragh Johnson

14th July

Revd Peter Stevenson

Ann Llowarch

21st July

Mr Geoff Milnes

Caragh Johnson

28th July

Revd Peter Stevenson

Ann Llowarch


Evergreen Care Trust

We’ve received a request from Evergreen to promote their Tea Party Summer Season as below:

Hello friends,

The months of July and August represent our fundraising Tea Party season, would you kindly promote as you can and perhaps consider taking part in raising funds for Evergreen’s Volunteer led and no charge services which remain in high demand and help make a real difference in local people’s lives.

It’s Evergreen Tea Party Season…. Can you help raise funds for our Volunteer led no-charge services by hosting a tea party with friends and neighbours? Throw a party and have some fun while raising funds for the work of Evergreen in tackling loneliness, honouring old age and offering practical support to local older people… We would appreciate your help…for more information on how to register your Tea Party, and ideas and tips for a happy and memorable event, please contact the Evergreen office on 01780 765 900 Thank you for your support.

Volunteer Led no-charge projects… 



Chaplaincy & Listening

Clean & De-clutter

Community support


Together Group

SHELS: Soup & Meal delivery

Thank you and God bless you and your ministries.

Louise Marsh

Founding Trustee

Evergreen Care Trust

Update on Church Hall Redevelopment Plans

As discussed at the Church Meeting, PDG Architects have reviewed the asbestos survey report that had been located and confirmed that some asbestos had been found in some of the internal Hall roof tiles. This is perfectly safe as things stand while it is not disturbed. However, it does pose the question of what to do with it if plans to redevelop the Hall go ahead…

A proposal to cost out options for removal and remaining have been requested and will be part of the overall costed plans as the next stage of the redevelopment.

Recipe for Baked Apple and Almond Pudding (serves 4-6 people)


1lb/454g cooking apples – peeled, cored and sliced.

4oz/110g butter or margarine – at room temperature

4oz/110g ground almonds

2oz/55g soft brown sugar

4oz/110g caster sugar

2 large eggs - beaten

1tbsp water


STEP 1 Pre-heat the oven to 180oC/350F/Gas Mark 4.

STEP 2 Use a buttered pie dish of capacity approx. 1 pints/~850ml.

STEP 3 Place the apples in a saucepan with the brown sugar and the 1tbsp of water. Simmer gently until soft.

STEP 4 Arrange the cooked apple in the bottom of the prepared pie dish.

STEP 5 In a mixing bowl, cream the butter and caster sugar until pale and fluffy.

STEP 6 Beat the eggs into the mixture and then carefully and lightly fold in the ground almonds.

STEP 7 Spread this mixture over the apples in the dish and even out the surface with the back of the tablespoon.

STEP 8 Bake on the top shelf of the oven for 1 hour.

It’s equally good served hot or cold, best with pouring cream on it. It should keep in the fridge for 3-4 days.

This recipe was taken from, “The Star Lane Recipe Book”, originally supplied by Mrs. Ruth Fancourt.

Can I please repeat my request – I’d be very grateful to receive some new recipe suggestions from people to put in Star News, the cupboard is getting a little bare….Thanks!

Quote of the month: 

"It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to Heaven, we were all going direct the other way - in short, the period was so far like the present period that some of its noisiest authorities insisted on its being received, for good or for evil, in the superlative degree of comparison only." A Tale of Two Cities, Charles Dickens.






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