S T A M F O R D  U N I T E D   R E F O R M E D  C H U R C H

S T A R   L A N E     P E 9  1 P H

O C T O B E R   2 0 2 4

A bill which would allow terminally ill adults, with six months or fewer to live, to get medical help to end their own lives has been introduced in the House of Lords, by former Labour Justice Secretary Lord Falconer. The issue has gained further prominence this year, partly because of Dame Esther Rantzen's revelation that she had joined Dignitas, the assisted dying clinic in Switzerland. A bill to introduce assisted dying was last debated in the House of Commons in 2015, when it was defeated by 330 votes to 118. More recently there have been moves in Scotland, Jersey and the Isle of Man towards changing the law. A bill introduced by Lib Dem MSP Liam McArthur will be debated in the Scottish Parliament in the autumn. In the Isle of Man, a bill was supported at its third reading by two-thirds of the island's parliamentary representatives, known as members of the House of Keys. It will now be considered by the Isle of Man's Legislative Council.

For some, there is little fear in death but a greater concern about dying and the journey that might be ahead. Few people would choose a painful end without dignity and independence, becoming a ‘burden’ on family members or the medical services. However, that has not been my experience during 25 years of pastoral care and witnessing many pathways that people have taken. I have heard folk say, “I am ready now and wish the Lord would take me,” but I have rarely heard a person ask for euthanasia. The expression, “You wouldn’t let a dog suffer in that way!” is sometimes used as a reason for assisted dying, often by a third person looking in rather than the patient themselves. Modern palliative care practices and effective pain management reduces the suffering of many people in their last days.

The Bible says very little directly on this subject, beyond the universal understanding that humans are made in God’s image and the sanctity of life with its associated commandment not to take the life of another. Jesus is never challenged on the subject nor does it come up in His general teachings.

My greater concern in this discussion is the chance that opening the possibility that someone can choose when they die in this manner may have unintended consequences enabling people to decide for others when their time on this earth should finish. Would you like to join me in this conversation through the pages of the magazine?

Peace and shalom, Peter

October Services

All services commence at 10.30am unless otherwise stated.

was kindly decorated by Pam and Anne – thank you ladies

Sanctuary Service Returns!

The first Sanctuary Service of the new season is on Thursday 10th October in Star Lane. Come and hear Aquilae Flute and Harp as duo Lisa Nelsen and Eleanor Turner play music by Mared Emlyn, Vaughan Williams and lullabies from around the world.

Presented by Peter, Sanctuary is an opportunity to experience live music in a relaxed setting, providing the time to think and restore. All are welcome. Doors open ~7.45pm, music starts 7.55pm.

Flower Rota

6th October Jane Kew

13th October Esther Lambert

20th October Anne Thompson

27th October George Lilley


Worship Leader


6th October

Revd Tony Kinnersley

John Hall

13th October

RevdDr. Peter Stevenson – Communion

Ann Llowarch

20th October

Revd. David Hughes

Ann Llowarch

27th October

Revd. Dr. Peter Stevenson

David Lovell Brown

Harvest Festival Service Sept. 22nd

Many people gave generously to show our support for Stamford Food Bank at the Harvest Festival Service last week – thank you to all.

The church was kindly Decorated by Pam and Anne - Thank you ladies.

Book Sale

We will be holding our annual Book Sale in the Church Hall on Saturday 16th November, at the usual time of 10am–2pm. There will be refreshments available as usual.

This year there will also be a bric-a-brac stall at the book sale - so don't throw away any stuff! That's what we need, bring it along to the coffee morning or to church, any donations will be most welcome.

Ishobel is already looking at some of the stuff she doesn't need, so why don’t you join her!

Up and Coming Event at Grantham

Touring company Riding Lights are performing, “Cups on a String” at the Methodist Church in Grantham on the evening of Friday 4th October. Tickets are free, available from Eventbrite. Please ask Revd. Peter Stevenson for details if you’re interested.

Brief Update on Progress of Church Hall Upgrade

Following the agreed next steps with architect Paul Hutchings, there have been a couple of familiarisation visits to the Church Hall in September by the quantity surveyor and a professional asbestos assessor in order to start the process of providing detailed costings prior to a decision on moving further forward with the redevelopment plans.

Many thanks to Nigel and Mike for facilitating these visits during working days.

Recipe for Easy Cheesecake

Ingredients (for an 8”/20cm round tin):

1 Packet of digestive or shortbread biscuits - crushed

~2oz/50g butter

2 packs of cream cheese (reduced fat versions are available)

1 tub of double cream

2tbsp icing sugar (or slightly less if preferred)

Summer (or autumn) fruits (or alternative)


STEP 1 Melt the butter in a pan and mix with the crushed biscuits.

STEP 2 Grease a cake tin and line with baking paper.

STEP 3 Press the biscuit mixture into the cake tin and place in the fridge for 1 hour.

STEP 4 Mix the cream cheese with the cream, add the icing sugar and mix until stiff.

STEP 5 Pour on to the biscuit base and then chill for 4 hours, or preferably overnight, until set.

STEP 6 Decorate with fruits of your choice.

This recipe was given by a regular customer at Friday Coffee Morning.





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